Sunday, 13 February 2011


So I've been working as a resourcer for the better part of a financial quarter and I'm starting to take stock on my achievements thus far there is a point to this honest, how can you know where you're going unless you know where you've been.....

I have found 16 people work 12 have been in automotive the remaining four are in various sectors that my company has pitched into due to the nature of my companies business we have great success in finding vacancies i think my enthusiasm has been the key to sourcing candidates for all industries.

My boss has started to pay attention to this trend and I'm starting to realise that the whole world is just too big a place to save all at once go figure. So lets focus on the one industry I seem to be having success with.

In my opinion the success in automotive recruitment that i have found thus far, was a happy accident. The nature of my role is to source CV's for vacancies to fill by a very enthusiastic sales team who source vacant jobs. This model works fantastically as I can literally drown myself in the important part of recruitment, putting people back into work.

I have been fighting against something which I thought would limit my ability to work effectively.... specialising. I wouldn't call myself a specialist as i barely know how to start a car no seriously can't drive, should learn soon mind! But I would say that I am investing alot of time, energy and my bosses money to find more jobs to match to the overspill of CV's I have. The one benefit to this being that I now have a pool of candidates that I know intuitively so the second I have a new job, there is an interview to follow soon after.... I'm now accomplishing targets, I'm developing a two month pipeline for revenue, meaning I'm happier in my job and able to focus more on the tasks at hand.

I am still the NewRecruiter I was four months ago but with a new outlook on this very competitive market, Automotive recruitment will be where i make my mark.

Thanks for reading again guys, take a look at my new page also and comment at will about the content :-)